Missoula County Fire Protection Association
Protecting People, Homes & Natural Resources  |  Southwest Montana
Fire Danger in Missoula County Montana
Composed of fire and emergency response officials, the MCFPA protects life, property and natural resources from wildfire in Missoula County, Montana. Want to help?
Missoula County Fire Association Members
Birds in flight with wildfire on the land in a Monte Dolack painting
Wildfire by Monte Dolack
Fire Danger in Missoula County Montana
Next MCFPA meeting
Wed., March 20 @ 7 pm @ Missoula City-County Health Department. Note: Meeting may be dependent on weather.
Composed of principal agencies, MCFPA members meet every other month throughout Missoula County.  During Wildfire Season, official representatives gather weekly in Missoula.
These additional weekly (Monday Morning) meetings help agencies coordinate the County fire danger rating and wildfire-response status. These meetings tend to generate news releases that affect the public.
Missoula County Fire Protection Association Montana
in Missoula County Montana 
*Voluntary and non-profit, the Missoula County Fire Protection Association (MCFPA) meets regulary so its members can discuss fire prevention and response.
When wildland fires occur at the fringes of our communities, where rural- or wildland-fire response is always limited, these ignitions can and do threaten and destroy family dwellings.
Become a partner with the MCFPA.
Learn how to prepare for wildland fire.